
LEARN TO CODE EASILY - You can learn how to code faster and easier than ever with this visual programming language software.
19 PROJECTS PROVIDED - This starter kit provides a record 19 projects with diverse functions allowing for a dynamic creative experience.
STYLISH PACKAGING - A cool-blue plastic packaging box is included for easy and neat storage.
PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT - Quick-responding technical support.
19 Projects for beginners:
Lesson 1 Blinking LED
Lesson 2 Controlling LED by Button
Lesson 3 Controlling LED by PWM
Lesson 4 Controlling LED by Potentiometer
Lesson 5 Flowing LED Lights
Lesson 6 RGB LED
Lesson 7 DC Motor Control
Lesson 8 LCD1602
Lesson 9 Serial Monitor
Lesson 10 7-Segment Display
Lesson 11 74HC595
Lesson 12 Dot-matrix Display
Lesson 13 NE555 Timer
Lesson 14 Rotary Encoder
Lesson 15 ADXL345
Lesson 16 Simple Creation - Light Alarm
Lesson 17 Simple Creation - Traffic Light
Lesson 18 Simple Creation - Digital Dice
Lesson 19 Simple Creation - Small Fan
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